
Water birth seeks to do two things: provide a warm, comforting environment for the laboring person and provide a calm immediate environment for the new baby. Water provides a calming influence and a peaceful relaxed atmosphere. Water-born babies are often quieter when they surface, making a calmer transition to extrauterine life. 

The following are some of the known benefits of being submerged in water during labor:

∗ Enables the laboring woman to move freely
∗ Reduces blood pressure
∗ Provides significant pain relief
∗ Promotes relaxation
∗ Reduces cesearean birth rate
∗ Conserves a laboring woman’s energy
∗ Gives the woman a private protected space
∗ Reduces perineal trauma
∗ Reduces desire for pain medications
∗ Mothers highly recommend waterbirth
∗ Encourages a gentler welcome for baby

Ten Moons Midwifery Care supports water labor and water birth options in your home. At home there are several options for water labor and birth including tub rental,  tub purchase or using existing tubs

We encourage you to research water birth and ask Shea any questions you may have. 

Ten Moons Midwifery proudly supports the following organizations. If you would like to partner with us, please contact us.